The man's cock continued to ream her her hole. It was painful, raw even. To make matters worse, her body rejected the pain and intrusion and responded by clamping tighter. Her assailant was loving it. Her ass clenched tightly on his manhood, and he drove into her relentlessly and furiously, bottoming out with each stroke and causing her body to rock forward on the wedge. She half grunted and half whimpered with each thrust, separated only by the sobs that wracked her.

The man that had covered her mouth was kneeling in front of her, and another man joined him. They jerked her head up by her hair and the man on the left pushed his cock into her mouth. She initially resisted, pursing her lips and trying to keep them closed. His cock slid along her face and he punished her resistance by thumping her hard with his manhood. The man on the right did the same thing, and she felt her face getting repeatedly smacked by their dicks. She saw the man on the left raise his free hand and she knew a smack was coming. She quickly opened her mouth, signaling her cooperation. It was humiliating, but she was going to have enough bruises, or worse, and she didn't want a black eye to go with it.

Her mouth was quickly filled with the man's dick, and he wasn't gentle. He held her hair tight as he rammed her head like a jackhammer, getting to the back of her throat with each thrust. The other man reached under and squeezed her right breast hard, causing her to cry out, or as much as she could while gagging. The man didn't let up, pinching her nipple and thumping her face with his dick while the other man continued his assault on her throat. He pulled out and slapped her. She had just enough time to take a deep breath before the other man's dick entered her face. He seemed on a mission to out do his companion, and fucked her face furiously, pumping in and out so fast he was a blur, his balls slapping her chin with each thrust. Her eyes watered, she gagged and coughed and puked, but she had no escape and was not allowed to clear her mouth. She drooled everywhere. All the while the man behind her pounded her continuously, spanking and slapping her ass so hard her cheeks were numb.

Wasn't this your fantasy? She mockingly asked herself. Haven't you dreamed time and again about being taken like this? How many times have you dreamed about being gang raped? Where here you go. Not so glamorous is it?

Despite her self-loathing, her introspection did lead to an epiphany. She had fantasized about this, and here it was. She had always been a masochist. She didn't see them taking her life over this. She would survive, if not worse for the wear. She made a decision. She relaxed, giving up all resistance. Relief washed her over her as she did so. They didn't change their treatment of her, but they could tell she had surrendered.

"That's it whore." One of the men said. "Just take it. I'd say this will all be over soon, but probably not." With that, he stood up and exchanged a high five with the man behind her as they traded places. Nina just kept sucking whatever was presented to her, and tried her best not to puke as they took turns keeping their cocks jammed in the back of her throat. They made a game out of it. One man would stick his dick in her throat to the base, and the other would pull her head on to it as hard as he could for however long they wanted. She was sure she was going to pass out as they forced her to keep swallowing one of their dicks for at least 30 seconds with no relief. Her throat was convulsing and she began dry heaving, but they just laughed and pulled harder. When they finally released her a large amount of spit and bile dripped from her mouth as she gasped for air. She looked up at where Jill was and noticed her and Jack whispering. Jill presented her back to Jack as he bound her hands with some cuffs. Through her heavily tearing eyes she thought it seemed like Jill's smile back at him was uncertain. Weird, she thought. She watched Jack put a gag in her mouth as well, though she just caught glimpses between dick thrusts into her face. One of the guys shoved his balls into her mouth, and she did her best to please him, sucking them strongly. An especially hard slap on her ass by the man now pounding her from behind caused her to flinch, and the man getting his balls sucked gasped as she bit just a tad bit too hard on to his sack. He backhanded her across the face, snapping her head to the side. She yelped in pain.

"Try it again slut, and worship them like the lucky bitch you are. Treat them well or you won't be!" She took his jewels into her mouth again, licking and sucking. She lifted his cock with her hand, and the other man put her other hand on his cock so she was giving double hand jobs while she sucked balls. To her surprise, she felt a sudden wave of something wash over her. It wasn't quite pleasure, but it was stimulation. She had a dick in each hand, balls in her mouth, and was getting rammed from behind. This was something she had fantasized about. Despite the fact that this was sexual assault, and against her will, she had done almost everything else there was to do sexually....except this. She closed her eyes and just went with it, battling through the pain and bruises from being beaten. She could taste blood in her mouth now.

A sound from Jill caused her to snap her eyes open. She didn't stop sucking the balls in her mouth, but she angled her head to peek past and see what was going on. Jack was holding Jill roughly and whispering something to her, and suddenly he pushed her to the ground. She went down to her knees, stopping herself somewhat with her hands. "She's yours too." Jack said. "Don't kill her or cause permanent injury, but other than that I don't care. You have an hour."

And then he got up and left. Nina was so stunned she stopped sucking for a second, which earned her a hard slap in the face. The other three men that hadn't been fucking her, and that she had forgotten about, quickly grabbed Jill before she could react. Jill fought furiously, far harder than Nina had. She was thrashing and sobbing, and Nina could see rage and betrayal in her eyes as tears flowed down them. Her angry screams were muffled by the gag, which she unsuccessfully tried to spit out.

With Jack gone, and Jill now in the same predicament, there was nothing to keep these men in check. They knew it, too. She was suddenly pulled up roughly and slapped hard across the face several times, and then shoved roughly to the floor. She felt hands grab her neck and her vision swam, stars dancing against darkness that faded in and out. She was laid on to her back on the cold floor and her entire view was filled by a crotch as one of the men squatted over her and began pile driving her face hard. Another pulled her legs apart and shoved his rod into her vagina. Again, no warm up, but she was at least wet. He went as deep as could on the first stroke and she gasped. He began driving into her rhythmically, and harshly, as the man pounding her face went balls deep with each thrust. The third man played with her tits, slapping, pinching, and squeezing them so hard she thought they would burst.

She just took it. What else was there to do?

Concluded in part 3....

Nina's Nightmare - A Throuple Threatened - Ch. 2 "Misery Loves Company"

Wasn't this your fantasy? She mockingly asked herself. Haven't you dreamed time and again about being taken like this? How many times have you dreamed about being gang raped? Where here you go. Not so glamorous is it?